Tuesday, January 20, 2009

What a DAY!

So yesterday we had a bit of a scare. Olivia was running towards the front door at Nana & Pop's house and tripped, smacking her head against the door hinge. By the time Ben picked her up (like 5 SECONDS after it happened) she had a huge purple pump knot forming on her forehead and she was sobbing and really upset and hurt. So we took her to TC Thompson's to the ER where they checked her out and took an x-ray of her skull to make sure it wasn't fractured. They were concerned about it because the knot and bruise had come up so fast. She ended up being fine and we spent 3 hours of our day in the ER with a bunch of children with RSV. Ahhh... not a great way to spend the day.

Therefore, last night we let her fall asleep in bed with us because she was still feeling bad. She was not tired and did not want to go to sleep so she kept talking to us and making us laugh! She was HILARIOUS. Ben said that bump must have knocked her silly. We were in stitches for nearly an hour before we made her go to sleep. I don't remember everything she said but one time she was rubbing her feet on Ben's head (which was funny in itself).

O: (rubbing her feet on Daddy's head) "Ewwww..... Ewwww....! Daddy Ewww!"
Ben: "What is ewww Olivia?"
O: "Poo Poo!!"
Ben: "What???!! Did you poo poo?"
O: "Noooo.... poo poo on Daddy's head!" (She was telling Ben that she was rubbing poo poo in his hair with his feet)
Me: "Olivia, did Daddy poo poo??"
O: "Yeeeeaaahhhh...." (Then she tried to "smell" his diaper to see if he had pooped.)

It was hilarious! Another time Ben was pretending like he was asleep and fake snoring and O starting copying him... we were laughing so hard we were both crying and she was belly laughing which is adorable.

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