Wednesday, January 21, 2009

6 Random Things :)

I got tagged by Courtney!

1. I love planning, but rarely follow through! Which is bad! I will plan work out schedules, food menus, Olivia's daily & weekly schedules, my school studying schedule... etc. but hardly EVER stick with them! I think that means I need to be a planner... for OTHER people! haha

2. I love love love Mexican food. & Italian. I could live on beef enchiladas and spanish rice - or stuffed pasta. I love love it! It is delicious.

3. I can't wait to graduate college... however, I don't really want to have to get a full time job in the Finance or Business world even tho my degree will be in Finance. I would love to work for the school system (just for the schedule) or just work part time... or better yet, have 3 more kids and be a full time stay at home mom! I wish! I would have been the PERFECT mom back in the 50's because I have NO desire at all to work outside the home and would rather perfect the art of being a homemaker. :)

4. I love to travel! I have been to 22 states so far and fully intend to hit all 50 before I kick the bucket! I also want to set foot on every continent... my dream traveling trip would be a cruise in the Mediterranean seeing Italy, Greece, France, Spain.... it would be amazing! I also would like to visit Australia.

5. I love photography! I am really getting into it and can't wait to get a DSLR. I really love photographing Olivia. We have photo shoots where I basically just take her outside and follow her around snapping hundreds of pictures. Usually I only get 10-20 great ones, but that's what it takes. :)

6. I love houses. I could be a professional house buyer for people. Growing up with my dad, I can point out everything that's wrong in a house in ohhh 10 minutes or so. And it's detailed stuff too like is square footage wasted or is there a perfect "triagle" in the kitchen or even if the light switches are in an efficient location. Ha! I love it!

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