Monday, January 12, 2009

Monday with Emily

Olivia's Birthday Week Kickoff! (Hence the birthday background)

Ben and I kept our niece Emily today and had a great time! Ben went and picked her up around 8:30 and Olivia was sooo excited when she woke up and I told her Emily was coming! It was so funny because I was getting Olivia dressed and pulling a shirt out for her to wear when Ben got home with Em and Emily was wearing the exact same shirt I was about to put on Olivia! So they got to be twins today and had fun telling everyone that they matched.

We hung out around the house and played for a few hours, then went to the mall and ate Chick-Fil-A and played in the play area at the mall. After we played, we took the girls to get strawberry milkshakes (more like bribed them with them so they would leave the play area!)

Here are some pictures from the day.
They thought it was hilarious riding in the car together.
Playing at the mall

Olivia is fearless... she will jump off that stump no matter who was (or wasn't) around. Emily would go, "Atalie! Catch me!" but wouldn't jump until I was right there.

They helicopter was their favorite... this time at least!
Ok Emily drives. And Olivia rides on the top like a CRAZY person!
O also wanted to jump off this.
Emily had fun on the slide! She would get up in there and O couldn't see her so O would go, "Where minimy go at???" AKA Emily.

Driving the hot dog mobile. After this, it got a little ugly. Neither of them wanted to leave! HAHA - Luckily I had Emily and Ben was stuck dragging O out by her arm.

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