Monday, January 26, 2009


So lately Olivia has gotten into picking her nose - like most kids do. The other night I was lying on the couch watching TV and it was kinda dark in the living room. She ran in and said, "Look!" and was trying to hand me something. I took it from her and realized it was a huge, snotty booger. It was disgusting. Ever since then, she has tried to hand us her boogers! It's so gross, but she will pick her nose and then run over and go, "Here!" Sometimes she just runs up and wipes them on Ben, which I think is funny, but she hasn't done it to me yet. I think she knows she would be in serious trouble! Eww for boogers.


Josh Courtney Jacob Caden said...

Yuck! I love to pick the boys' noses, but if they ever did it for me I would gag! Jacob tells me he dreams about boogers! How weird!

MamaDrama77 said...

Mia hasn't successfully fished out any crusty treasures, but she does love sticking fingers up her nose. Any time I clean out her nose, Mia's fascinated and says "gwoss!"

Boogies. Can you believe the conversation topics that are hot amongst parents?? Also high on the list: poop--its consistency, frequency, and smell. The Childless can now be jealous.