Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Video x 5!

Boy are you guys in luck today!! I am posting some various funny videos of Olivia... these were all taken in the last week or so. Ok well 4 of them were today b/c she's wearing her Dora pj's which she still has on at 2 PM. I can hardly pry them off her. They are loved. You can see tons of pictures of you, but there is NO WAY you can get a true feeling of her exuberant personality without the aid of a video.

*And I'll just apologize now for the lack of video skills I have. I hope it doesn't make you feel drunk!
**Excuse my EXTREMELY Southern accent in some of these... I think I sound more country video... but maybe I really do sound like that!?


Josh Courtney Jacob Caden said...

My boys sat transfixed while watching these videos! They loved them. She is so big and talking so much! How cool!

Natalie said...

How funny! She loves watching videos of them too! I can't wait to see you guys!

MamaDrama77 said...

Mia's sitting on my lap, waving at the computer. "Hi, Oh-weeda!"