Saturday, March 28, 2009


So you all probably have seen the "Praying for Stellan" button on my blog and if you don't already know who Stellan is... check out

In a nutshell tho, this is Stellan according to his mom, MckMama-

"MckMuffin is our cuddly 4 month old son S! In the womb, he was diagnosed with heart failure: premature atrial contractions at 20 weeks; supraventricular tachycardia, hydrops, and intermittent advanced secondary heart block at 23 weeks; and enlargement of the heart at 32 weeks. When the doctors told us at 24 weeks that our very ill baby would surely die, we chose to give our son completely to God, for He alone knows best. We have not stopped praising our Lord since then, for MckMuffin was healed and was born a well and whole full-term baby...with dimples!!"

Now Stellan is back in the hospital with heart problems (SVT & V-Tach).

So Stellan's Name Gallery was started before he was born because MckMama wanted everyone all over the world to know Stellan's name. SO I made this/took this picture for Stellan's name gallery:

I emailed it to MckMama... and she liked it so much, it ended up here:

Right there at the top of her blog!
This is her blog, below, and that is beautiful Stellan.

A farther away pic of my pic on her blog LOL

Now, I am very excited that my picture made it on the blog because hundreds of thousands of people read this every day...
But also because she has had the hardest last week that a mother could possibly have... and I'm glad I could give something little to smile about. She is an amazing mother, photographer, wife... and most importantly DAUGHTER of the KING OF KINGS that I love to look up to. I read her blog daily and enjoy everything she has to say - she really makes me stop and think about life sometimes :) So thank you MckMama for everything you do!!
And on a totally different note... does anyone wanna come over for supper? We're bbq'n the cat.
We grilled steaks for dinner and Bailey apparently decided to lick the leftovers off the grill. It did make for a hilarious picture tho.

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