Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Lemons & Sing-Sides

These pictures are from Sunday and Monday. They were both BEAUTIFUL DAYS so we spent most of them outdoors! One funny thing she did last night when we were outside (that I did not get a picture of) - She was pushing her little Dora doll around in her doll stroller and she started to go down the driveway (it's a hill) Olivia yells, "WHOA DORA!! TOO FAS! SOW DOW!!" (Sow dow is slow down, and fas is fast, obviously) She kept saying it and things like it over and over. I was laughing so hard, I was crying! It was the funniest thing ever!
Olivia likes to eat lemons! How funny :)
Still munching on her lemon... She practically looks like a teenager in this picture... I mean hello? Where did my snuggly little baby go that I birthed just 2 short years ago??

Lemon, lemon.

This one is just adorable...

She's so funny with her little hat.

Playing on her "sing-side". She calls her swing set a "sing-side" meaning swing-slide, because that's what she does on it LOL

Big kid swing!!
Swinging is serious - in her toddler swing :)
And she's precious. That all there is to it.

1 comment:

Josh Courtney Jacob Caden said...

How cute is she! I love how she always has a huge smile on her face. I cannot believe how big she is either!