Sunday, March 1, 2009

New Bed, Dress Up & O's Funnies

We got Olivia's new bed yesterday and set it up :) She loved it and did so great sleeping last night!! Thanks so much Nana & Pops!!
I snapped this last night right after she fell asleep - Notice the pencil box on her bed with the books and drink stacked on it... She reads usually every night before going to bed (by herself) and sometimes plays quietly for a little while, but when she is finished and ready to go to sleep, she always organizes what she has been playing with/reading. Sometimes she lines up her Barbie dolls or in this case stacked up her books. She is so funny!

We also played dress up yesterday which we don't do often... she gets mad if she doesn't have help, so I have to be right there all the time when she plays with her dress up stuff.

Here she is putting on her shoes

Princesses always wear high heels with their jeans!!
And pouting because I wouldn't let her jump on her new bed :(

She has also been saying some really funny and cute things!!

When she falls she immediately yells, "I'm ok!!" (usually - sometimes she really isn't tho and she doesn't say it)

She also leaves out "with" when she talks so we hear things like, "Walk me" "Jump me" "Run me" "Play me"... etc. It is soooo cute!!

Also started yelling, "Yee-haw!!" when she is doing something really fun - like running the outside of the living room rug or running circles around the kitchen table.

She also yells, "I'M FAST!!!" when she runs.

She brings me a Dora DVD and says, "Can I?" or "Can we?"

She says, "Mon!" all the time which means "Come on/C'mon" But lately she's starting to add "dies" to the end which means "guys" so she says, "Mon dies!!"

Last a little funny story. Last night at Nana & Pops she wanted to see the fish. When we got in there she goes, "I wanna eat, I wanna eat!!" and pointed at the fish. At first I was like WHAT??! You can't eat those fish! Then I realized she wanted to FEED the fish like she had done last time... she just didn't know how to word it. It was adorable.
And I will leave you with this precious photo of mine and my sisters cats snuggling on a rainy day :) (They are brothers)

1 comment:

Pickled Polkadot said...

Hi There,

I just wanted to say hello really. I came across your blog a while ago and I love reading it. You're the cutest family ever and Olivia is adorable.

I'm in the middle of planning our wedding and can't wait until we have kids. I just wish we lived in America so we could do things like pumpkin picking!! :-)

I also wonder if you ever made any of those dresses with the patterns you picked up? I've just bought a sewing machine and am planning on making some for my neices. Are they easy to follow?

Anyway, I just wanted to say hello from across the pond!

All the best,
