Friday, August 7, 2009

Look what we're wearing!!!

Big girl panties!!!!!!!!!!!
Ohh yes! We've started potty training!!
We have a chart on the wall with 5 blank squares and a picture of a present at the end. For every time she pee pees she gets to put a sticker in the box. If she poo poos, she gets two :)
When she fills up the line, she gets a present! (AKA I raided the clearance aisle at Target and didn't pay more than $5 for anything.)

Today is our 3rd day at it and she peed 8 times and pooped once!! We had only ONE minor accident, but she realized it in time to run to the potty and finish!

And by the way, I really mostly wrote this post mostly for my recollection later, as I'm SURE those of you without kids probably don't find it very interesting! HAHA :)


Josh Courtney Jacob Caden said...

Yay Olivia!!! That is so awesome... we are trying the same thing with Caden right now!

MamaDrama77 said...

Go, Friend! We're on the "skittles" plan at our house. Affectionately known as "potty candy." This concept was a bit tough to grasp at first, because a tiny person kept insisting they needed more, but now we get it: one for a tinkle, two for a poo. We went three times at church today!