Friday, August 21, 2009

Favorite Fridays: Storms


Like, so so much.

I am actually sitting here as I type this in a storm, listening to it, watching it, with the blinds open. My love affair with storms started when I was just a wee little thing probably just a few months old. When I would wake up during the night because of a storm, my dad would take me into the kitchen (with tons of windows) and pull up one blind so I could peep out and see the lightning and hear the thunder. I LOVED it. And I've NEVER been afraid of storms. They are facinating to me :) Now when we hear a storm brewing, we usually both go sit on the front porch and watch it roll in, only leaving when it gets to be sheet rain pelting us up on the porch.

In school, I used to play in the rain (ok storms too, dangerous I know). Jumping in puddles, running through the muddy yard, "swimming" in my neighbor's ditch (yuck!), and spinning in circles in the middle of the yard.

But there's just something about the sound of thunder, rain, and even lightning that is calming. Also, that smell that comes right before a storm is so refreshing... it just clears my mind. That smell would have to be classified as the "calm before the storm" smell.

Olivia told me tonight when she heard the thunder that it sounded "scary". I realized I have not instilled my love of storms in her... Ben has beaten me to it and instilled his FEAR of storms in her. HA. Yes, he is very scared of thunder and lightning but I didn't tell y'all that, ya hear?!?
Oh and BTW. I took the lightning pic last week while it was storming... cool huh??

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