Friday, August 14, 2009

Favorite Fridays!

So I've decided to start a new blog on Fridays about all of my favorite things. Some might be about people, some places, some activities, some just things. All that will stay the same is that they are all absolute FAVORITES!

This week my favorite things are BACK TO SCHOOL GOODY BAGS & MY GRAMMA.
and they are both in this post because she gave me the back to school goody bag :)
She got a Wal-Mart reusable shopping bag...
and added all these goodies to it. Hot chocolate, tissue, every kind of M&M, oatmeal, peaches, mac & cheese, soup, a giant paperclip memo holder, new socks, and a change pocket full of quarters for the snack machines.
GREAT stuff to start off the school year!

My grandmother is always doing nice things for us like this and picking us up goodies when she sees something she thinks we would like. She is always thinking of others and volunteering her time and efforts into making others always feel special. So thank you Gramma for my fun goody bag and for being you! Love you :)
This is a picture of us with my grandparents on the 4th of July

1 comment:

gma said...

Thank you, Natalie, for such a sweet blog. I'm glad you liked the goody bag. Have a great year at UTC!