Thursday, October 30, 2008

Dads Rule, Moms Drool. It's alright.

Background: Ben hates putting her to bed because he can't stand thinking about how she's in her bed all alone all night... yada yada... He would rather her sleep with us every night!! NO WAY!

So the other night I got O ready for bed and took her in the living room so she could give Ben a hug and kiss good night. So he took her from me and was giving her a hug and she laid down on him, looked back up at me and yells, "Go!! Go!!" So I asked if she wanted me to leave and she yells, "YEAH!" Of course when I walked off she knew Ben would give in and not put her to bed, so she ended up getting to stay up with him and watch tv for 30 extra minutes! He's such a pushover!

She definitely knows to go to him when she wants something! It's amazing how young kids can figure their parents out, yet it takes parents approximately 18 years (or longer) to figure kids out!

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