Sunday, July 19, 2009


"Olivia, hold your raisins upright so they won't spill!"
"OK MOMMY!!!" as she lifts them up and holds them on top of her head.

After washing her hands:
"Did you dry your hands good?"
"Yep!! I died my hans and my yips too!" (lips)

"Wat's wrong Mommy?"
"Oh, I'm just feeling kind of sad." (I was just having one of those down days)
"Ohhh, you're sad cause Maw-Maw left today??" (To go out of town)
"Umm.. yeah Olivia, that's probably it."
"Aww Mommy. It be ok. Maw Maw will be back soon!"

And as I type this she's "talking" on her play princess phone to Bec-cah... asking when she's coming home.

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