Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Yesterday was a VERY rough day for our family. We found out my sister's cat Zakk had a tumor in his foot and there was no hope of saving him other than amputation (And they weren't sure he'd even live thru it). Now Zakk was almost 12 years old and had arthritis in many bones and also had a skin disease along with allergies & obsessive compulsive with bathing, so he was in rough condition. So in the end, we had to put him to sleep yesterday morning.

He has been like a part of our family since 1997 when we got him (& his brother Bailey, my cat) so despite what some say about pets being less important than people, this is NOT the case. It really does feel like a piece of my heart is missing, like it's broken. I have walked up onto "his" porch several times today and still expected him to be sitting there. And I remember he's not. He's now in cat heaven, and I have to just keep remembering he's no longer in pain and no longer suffering.
This beautiful picture was taken Monday morning - I saw him sitting under our Japanese Maple and was just compelled to grab the camera even tho I was furiously studying for my Finance exam. I am so glad I did and got to snap some last pictures.
He is a gem & we love him very much.

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