Sunday, April 19, 2009

Laid Back Fun Spring Weekend

We actually did a whole lot this weekend, but it felt pretty relaxing for the most part!! It was so fun and I even got a night out!!
Friday morning we played outside, since it was soo pretty! We ate lunch outside, with Zakk, haha - He loves to keep up company. Then Maw-Maw came over and played for a little while
I don't know why, but she wanted to lie down right beside him! haha
After lunch and playing outside, we met Heather & Miranda at the mall for pedicures and Heather's mom (Kathy) & her friend (Jennifer) watched Olivia in the play area. She had a blast!! I think she might have worn them out tho! haha :) I'll have to post pictures when I get them from Kathy.
Saturday morning my mom and I got up really early and checked out the neighborhood yard sale. We went thru Lakesite, Chimney Hill, and North Fork... I saw a friend, Katherine, who I hadn't seen in so long and got to meet her little girl who is about 9 months younger than Olivia. She is also having another little one - a boy - and is due this week! So as soon as things get settled, we are hoping to set up a play date! At a yard sale in North Fork, I picked up this neat chair for only $5! And I have already spent time sitting in it!
It's perfect for tanning in this summer while Olivia plays in her pool!
We then went to the Open House at Olivia's school and took Nana & Pops and Granna to check out the place and so they could really see what she does all day. It was adorable - she showed them her favorite books, her seat at her table, her cubby, and her playground. These pictures are of her playing on the "big kid" playground. Miss Seneca is not going to be happy on Tues when Olivia is begging to go play on this playground instead of the 2 yr old one!

After the open house, we headed home and O just had to go "fwimming" so we put on our swimsuits and went for a dip. The boat that she's in is actually my sister's (haha) that she used to lay out in when we were in high school. Olivia thought it was pretty cool to play with Beh-ba's boat.

After the pool, my mom and I met up with Amanda and ate dinner at Burger King before heading over to Junior Miss which was a blast!!! It really made us realize how old we are getting LOL but it was so fun :) And Miss Katelyn Burdine won the title of Jr. Miss 2010, which is the sister of one of the groomsmen in our wedding (Chris). Chris & Ben have been good friends for... ever. haha and Ben enjoys picking on poor Katelyn. She was amazing during the "paegant" and I loved watching her!
I didn't get home until 11 so we ended up sleeping in this morning and then celebrated my grandfather's birthday for lunch with a meal at my parents (& a yummy Bruster's Ice Cream cake!). Sadly I didn't get any pictures, but we had a good time! Olivia enjoyed opening his birthday presents and thought it was so fun that someone other than her has a birthday. haha :) She thinks everyday is her birthday. At least several times a week, I catch her singing "Happy Birthday" to herself or saying outloud, "My birthday! My birthday!" Does that mean she's spoiled?? ha!

Tomorrow I am back to reality though finishing up my last homework assignment, last class, and a paper for a final all before Tuesday morning! Wow! haha :) Then I start finals Wednesday so say a quick prayer! :)

1 comment:

Josh Courtney Jacob Caden said...

Looks like you had a great weekend! Olivia is so darn cute I just want to squeeze her!