Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wrapping Up this Semester

I have really been a slacker blogger lately, but I just haven't had much to talk about! Olivia is just rolling along through life just as fast as it will take her, and I've been so busy with school and finishing this semester! Then I will be starting my LAST one! I can't believe I will be graduating in May! It's crazy!

I really haven't hardly gotten my camera out since Halloween because Olivia hasn't really been in the mood for pictures and I haven't been feeling very creative! We've had a rough couple weeks. I feel like everything is a battle. What to eat, what to wear, where we are going, getting in the carseat, peeling her off of me some days at school, especially bedtime and naptime... it's really wearing me down and my patience is almost gone! Some nights she gets so tired, she gets wound up and crazy so she won't fall asleep and then I can't get her to bed until after 10 (LIKE TONIGHT! She's unfortunately still up) and I am having a problem with getting her to sleep in her bed without a fight. We are heading to Gulf Shores for Thanksgiving and then Disney World the week before Christmas so I really hope those two vacations will give me a break to just relax! Hopefully Olivia will cooperate and have fun! I don't mean to complain on my blog, but that's just what I'm feeling right now - so if you see me in public and I'm a wreck, you know why!! haha :)
I do have just a few pictures from the last week or so... this little zebra shirt is ADORABLE!
So I cleaned out our kitchen cabinets last week and decided to name all our "tupperware" so we would know what lids went with what bottoms. Olivia helped me name them LOL

And this is what I found Monday when she took a nap. She fought it for nearly 2 hours, screaming and crying and finally piled stuff up on her bed so she couldn't lie in it to sleep, but she eventually got so tired, she just made herself a little spot.

1 comment:

MamaDrama77 said...

This is exactly what Mia does! She piles everything in her room on her bed and then complains that she can't lie down!