Thursday, April 30, 2009

Water/Sand Table Fun

Last night, after eating at church, we went by Wal-Mart to pick up Olivia's sand and water table. This was her birthday present from Granna & Grandad, but they didn't want to get it in January when it was still cold out.

And of course, she scooped all the sand and dumped it into the water part of the table. AHH! I was the kid that NEVER combined colors of playdough or sand and water. I was the kid with little imagination and had to play with things the way they came & how you were supposed to. HOWEVER, my sister was the kid that combined the playdough (which made me so upset) and she also combined sand and water, wanted to make up new ways to play games and was creative. So watching Olivia do this just about drove me UP THE WALL, but it also made me laugh a little because she was acting just like Aunt Beh-ba. Lord help us ;)


MamaDrama77 said...

Sister, I was like that myself. Everything had a specific order and I'd get so stressed when the other kids messed it up--my sister being chief offender! Connor's got a sandbox at his grandparents' house and it bugs me to no end when he dumps sand in the grass! But his grandparents let him...sigh...

Josh Courtney Jacob Caden said...

Looks like fun. I wanted to get one for the boys but right now there is no space for it.